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Am I Sick of Traveling?

Well, there’s a question I never thought I’d be asking myself.

What’s going on and why am I getting the urge to write this?

I guess this is more of a self examination and I’m hoping to find out by writing it down.

Feel free to read along.

Before I start, let me preface this by saying I realize there are much bigger problems to have. I also realize we’re a bit over-traveled at this moment. Maui in February, Reno/Tahoe in April, Madiera Beach now, PNW next month. The result of 2 years of canceled trips and vouchers about to expire.

But, I digress.

Before I met Heidi (22 years ago), I wasn’t much of a traveler. A couple trips to Disney and some weekenders in the car.

That was all my parents ever did and I thought it was how most people lived. Heidi taught me to make travel a priority, that it was important to have these adventures

to look forward to and look back on. It didn’t take much convincing. I had come from a brutal 14 year marriage which started when I was 19. My 20’s were spent struggling with emotional abuse and zero freedom. So, when I finally met Heidi and she presented me life without a guilt of doing things for myself (self-care, if you will), it opened up a brand new world. (Of course, having Heidi made everything better.)

Our first trip was to the Florida Keys. It was only 6 days. But, it was a rebirth. I remember calling my dad while sitting on a dock in Marathon, having an umbrella drink, watching the sunset. He told me he had never spoken to anyone who was that far south on the map. That resonated with me. That’s how cut off I had felt in my little world in Buffalo, NY.

I think that comment made me want to keep up this pursuit. Heidi and I honeymooned in Hawaii, took cruises in the Caribbean, returned to the Keys, etc. So many trips, that I’ve lost count and forgotten some. Something unimaginable a few years ago.

During this time, many things have happened. Many life events. Many world events. The latter has made travel more arduous. I had only flown 3 times before 9/11. It was such a different experience. Actually fun. There weren’t these endless fees and the dog and pony show security procedures. People weren’t always uptight and selfish.

Now, add Covid and people coming back to traveling after 2 years.

Yes, the Covid restrictions have subsided a bit. But, people have gotten even more uptight and selfish, as the logjam of eager travelers increases. The Airlines are a huge culprit in this. They, of course, are using it to their corporate advantage. After begging people to fly for 2 years (when we couldn’t), there now is never a plane that isn’t oversold. Pack people in like sardines, make them pay extra to board early, constantly change already booked flight schedules to ensure the fullest planes, etc. Fees are through the roof (they again blame fuel prices when we’re already paying a fuel surcharge from 9/11. Oil company profits are at a record high this year. Is it safe to say they also have stock in the airlines?).

Flying is not fun anymore.

On a side note: We have a condo booked for Fiji in February 2023. Along with the confusion of flying forward two days in time, is the complication of getting to LA (probably a day early, which means another hotel, taxi and redoing security and baggage) and then flying 11 hours to Fiji. It’s no wonder I’m having second thoughts.

Then when you reach your destination, you find the prices for everything has increased. In some cases, doubled since before the pandemic as restaurants, hotels and sightseeing vendors (the one’s who survived) try to make up for lost ground.

Much of the divide we now feel in our hometowns between people once friends or at least friendly is no different when you travel elsewhere. The hostility we find on social media over politics and social issues has made it impossible to escape. Florida was much more enjoyable when people didn’t feel the need fly flags representing which cult they were in or who they hate. You can’t even avoid it when exchanging the most mundane conversation. Say excuse me for almost bumping into another customer and have a store owner snidely comment, “You won’t find any arrows on these floors!” Ask a bartender where he’s from and the first thing out of his mouth is “I got tired of the lockdown in Maryland.” I’ve never seen so many grumpy middle-aged white people in my life.

Which brings me back to the urge to cancel Fiji. Our easiest option for a February (warm weather) getaway would be Ft. Lauderdale. What’s worse, a horrible flight schedule or horrible people at our destination?

Maybe I’m one of those who discovered in 2 years of isolation, they actually prefer it.

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